Understanding the Difference between Yoga and Stretching: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Difference between Yoga and Stretching: A Comprehensive Guide

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ever find yourself wondering, “What’s the big difference between Yoga and stretching anyway?” Although yoga and stretching may seem similar, the key difference lies in their approach to wellness. Yoga is a holistic practice combining breath control, meditation, lifestyle disciplines, and stretching,…

How To Start Journaling For Self-Improvement: The Easiest Way

How To Start Journaling For Self-Improvement: The Easiest Way

Reading Time: 8 minutes To get all the benefits of journaling, we want it to become a daily routine, and for it to become a daily routine, we want it to be easy and accessible. The easiest way to start is to take a notebook (and pen) and put it in a place where you want to sit and write. Next to the coffee maker, on the pillow or by the toilet. Then you simply write one thing every day.