
What if you could make your worries and self-doubt get out of your way towards your goals and aspirations? Well, you can… read on to see how!



The Tailored and bespoke Personal empowerment program to reach your true potential so you can create more freedom in your day to day without the negative cycle of self-doubt.

If you’re a high-achieving woman OR ambitious babe, and you find yourself saying “I want to help and uplift others while creating a life that allows freedom” — this is for you.

A tranquil work scene with a classic white coffee cup full of black coffee, perched on a saucer atop a large beige notebook with blank pages, all set against a crisp white background with a striking shadow to the left.

I am calling it —

Creating a life or business that grows and flourishes, you aren’t going to find the solution in a self-help book or in another productivity solution. You have to work from within! The external solutions are great TOOLS but won’t take you all the way.

In fact, personalized support for your individual situation is THE answer to take aligned and confident action towards your dreams and aspirations. 

A tranquil work scene with a classic white coffee cup full of black coffee, perched on a saucer atop a large beige notebook with blank pages, all set against a crisp white background with a striking shadow to the left.
A modern work setup with a delicate peach-colored flower lying across a laptop keyboard, which is casting a light shadow on a gray surface, suggesting a serene and creative workspace.
This is how we’re going to unlock your confidence and silence your inner critic:

“Working with Felicia is a no-brainer!”

“I really enjoyed Felicia's insight into what was actually getting in my way. Turns out, it wasn't what I thought! If you're feeling stuck in your business or like you can't get out of your own way, working with Felicia is a no-brainer!”

Ready to flourish? You can step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and open up to growth and success, all while being supported by me through calls, ongoing support and your hub of resources for you to dip into.


This program offers tools and strategies for long-term change, equipping you with the skills and resilience to maintain your progress even after the program ends. IT’s the gift that keeps on giving and the best investment for yourself you could make.

Buuuuuuuuuuut you might be feeling that you’ve already tried everything, you’ve spent so much time absorbing information that was supposed to be the solution…

You might be feeling overwhelmed, second-guessing yourself and worrying about if you even have what it takes to achieve your dreams.


You might be stuck with all the knowledge you need to reach your goal, but never actually take action.

You might be feeling frustration with yourself because you aren’t doing what you know you are supposed to be doing — it’s a song that has been playing on repeat forever, and you’re ready to change the record…

And really wanting to become your next level version, but being unable to do that because you doubt yourself.

And all this?

What if you could grow in confidence by simply shifting your perspective, PLUS take action and reach your goals while we are at it?


What if you could grow in confidence by simply shifting your perspective, PLUS take action and reach your goals while we are at it?

I, Felicia, know the struggle and frustration. I’ve spent most of my life trying to do everything I was supposed to do. Achieving my dream job, enjoying the perks of stability and success. As a result, I got sick… I was pushing myself to the limit, which resulted in burnout and illness. I was wallowing in self-pity and depression.

Until one day that all changed. The day when my mindset shifted, that all it took was a shift in perspective and understanding. (which I am now here to pass onto YOU!)

And since discovering this?

I’ve grown and reached new accomplishments in quite a short period of time that I dreamed of for years.

I developed trust and understanding in my own capabilities and my environment.

Gained the ability to bounce back when the inevitable bad days come.

And the best part? I’m so excited for what the future holds… and I believe it can happen for you too!

Here are the 3 phases that make The Positive Shift so actionable:


Planting the seed

Gain insight to your limiting beliefs, values and strengths, and learn to recognize unhelpful thought patterns.


Cultivating Growth

Time to translate the insights into action. Through a plan and accountability, let's develop agency and accomplishment.


Flower & bloom

Let’s design your life to cultivate long-term growth and balance. Sustaining change through nurturing yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

And I have taken ALL these learnings and poured this into The Positive Shift so you can flourish, all without the cycle of second guessing yourself.

This is what we’re going to make possible for you with The Positive Shift;



If you are ready to make this transformation for yourself then…

“I've had performance and self-worth blocks that I already knew about, but haven't had the tools to deal with.”

“Felicia gave me different perspectives on my thoughts and feelings about my subjects that we talked about. I've had performance and self-worth blocks that I already knew about, but haven't had the tools to deal with. That it is so valuable to have someone to bounce off, because even if you know what limits you, it is difficult to really find ways and tools to work against it.”
Felicia Mannström


The Positive Shift

A creative mock-up featuring a laptop with a female coach on a video call, surrounded by various planning documents titled 'Life-Assessment,' 'Vision Clarity,' and 'Reflection Sheet.' A smartphone with a '3-1' note, a tube of lipstick, and a cold brew coffee contribute to a busy yet organized personal development atmosphere, all set against a semi-transparent backdrop of monochrome flowers.

The transformational coaching program to unshakable confidence and structure in your day-to-day so you can confidently pursue your goals with personalized guidance.


Tailored Breakthrough Coaching Sessions

An image of a virtual coaching session in progress displayed on a laptop screen, with a female coach wearing headphones. The laptop is surrounded by artistic monochrome floral graphics and a cold brew coffee on the side, set against a black background.

Value: $600

Say goodbye to feeling stuck and undervalued.

The Tailored Breakthrough Coaching Sessions are here to support you with six personalized one-on-one sessions, allowing you to transform your personal and professional life.

Inside you’re getting:

  • Six one-on-one sessions so you can directly address your unique challenges and set actionable goals.
  • Personalized action plans, so your progress is consistent and measurable, aligning with your career and personal aspirations.
  • Regular feedback and adjustments so you continually refine your strategies and approaches for maximum effectiveness.
  • Flexible scheduling so you can integrate coaching into your busy lifestyle without stress.
An image of a virtual coaching session in progress displayed on a laptop screen, with a female coach wearing headphones. The laptop is surrounded by artistic monochrome floral graphics and a cold brew coffee on the side, set against a black background.

Action Plans & Personalized Assignments

A collection of personalized planning documents fanned out on a white background, including a 'Life-Assessment' sheet, 'Vision Clarity' worksheet, 'Reflection Sheet,' and pages titled 'Praemeditatio Malorum.' Floral graphics adorn the edges, adding an aesthetic touch to the self-improvement templates.

You’ll receive customized activities and assignments designed to propel you towards your goals with clarity and confidence.

Learn strategic techniques to navigate challenges and leverage opportunities, including how to set achievable milestones and break down daunting tasks into manageable steps.

You’ll also gain valuable insights into your strengths and areas for growth, empowering you to make informed decisions and take decisive action.

The outcome? You’ll emerge with a clear roadmap for success, equipped with the tools and strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve your aspirations effectively.

Unlimited Access to Message & Email Support

A digital workspace mock-up showing a tablet displaying a 'Welcome to Your Portal' screen, next to a smartphone with chat notifications, signifying unlimited messaging support. A cold brew coffee adds a relaxed vibe to the organized setup, all framed by elegant monochrome floral graphics against a black background.

Value: $1390

Say goodbye to feeling stuck and uncertain between sessions.

Every week, expect unlimited direct message and email support messages that are crafted to provide guidance and support tailored to your unique needs.

The best bit?

You’ll have me in your corner whenever you need it most, providing timely insights, motivation, and accountability to keep you on track.

Past topics have included:

  • Routine development.
  • Action focused accountability.
  • Reflections and questions to promote a positive shift in mindset.
A digital workspace mock-up showing a tablet displaying a 'Welcome to Your Portal' screen, next to a smartphone with chat notifications, signifying unlimited messaging support. A cold brew coffee adds a relaxed vibe to the organized setup, all framed by elegant monochrome floral graphics against a black background.

Get all of this today for $1990

Only $1100

Or $367 per month

Why am I the one to support you?

Hello! I’m Felicia, a CBT and ACT coach with first-hand experience with burnout and exhaustion.

Through my own recovery, I educated myself and learned just how common this issue is. I became passionate about sharing this information and helping other like-minded ambitious women in overcoming these struggles and avoid my mistakes. 

Exhaustion is a rising issue in Sweden and women stand for a majority of the cases. Struggling to balance expectations, daily demands, and the ambitions to create a better future for themselves and their families. 

I firmly believe you can achieve all of these things, but YOUR health and mental wellness can not be the exchange. The leading issue is not necessarily doing too much, but not creating enough space for recovery.

I’d be thrilled to support you on your journey to create your new reality, full of clarity and confidence! 

“I'm too busy to commit to coaching sessions,”

Let me share something important:

Here at Restful Moments, I deeply value your time and understand the demands of a busy schedule. I believe in fostering personal growth and well-being while respecting your commitments.

It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed by your schedule and uncertain about adding something new, but let’s consider a different perspective:

Investing time in yourself is an essential aspect of leading a fulfilling life. By dedicating time to personal development, you’re prioritizing your well-being and setting the stage for long-term growth and success.

Remember, self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity for living a balanced life.

The truth is, making time for coaching sessions is about creating opportunities for positive change. By committing to The Positive Shift program, you’re taking proactive steps toward realizing your aspirations and living authentically aligned with your goals.

What would the empowered, confident version of you choose to do right now?

Here’s who The Positive Shift is PERFECT for

If you’ve just checked many or all the boxes, The Positive Shift has been crafted just for you.

Play Video
“Thank you, Felicia, for being such a good listener and helping me see it in a different way in my head.”

Do you have questions?

Here are some answers!

It’s up to you how much time you want to invest but I recommend you spend a minimum 1h every week on implementation and doing assignments. We will then spend about 6h in coaching calls.

You will get a portal where you can access all your assignments, contact me and book future calls. You can access it on both mobile and desktop. I currently host my calls using Zoom which is free for you to use.

Absolutely, please reach out to felicia@restfulmoments.com and I’ll get back to you!

Still not 100% sure?

I totally get it — let’s chat!
No strings attached!
This is a safe space, and I’m here to help.

You’ve reached the end, and since you’re still here deciding if this is for you, there’s one last thing I will say:

If you’re still here, reading this, it means you’re ready for a change.

You’ve seen what The Positive Shift can do, and deep down, you know it’s what you’ve been looking for. But maybe there’s something holding you back.

Remember, every great journey begins with taking that first brave step..

This isn’t just about joining a coaching program; it’s about reclaiming your confidence, embracing change, and unlocking your true potential.

Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose, confidently pursuing your goals and dreams without hesitation.

So, here’s my invitation: Take that leap of faith and invest in yourself today. You’re not just buying a coaching package; you’re investing in your future, your well-being, and your success.

And I’m here, ready to welcome you and support you every step of the way as you achieve your goals and transform your life.

Click “Join Now” now – let’s make your dreams a reality.
Can’t wait to see you on the other side!

xo Felicia

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