Gift Ideas for Meditation: Boosting Mindfulness and Tranquility with Thoughtful Gifts

Gift Ideas for Meditation: Boosting Mindfulness and Tranquility with Thoughtful Gifts

Reading Time: 6 minutesStruggling to find the perfect gift for someone who enjoys meditation? This guide provides a diverse range of meditation-focused gift ideas, including acclaimed books about different practices, essential meditation accessories like cushions and Tibetan singing bowls, and even immersive sound machines and…

Metta meditation illustration

Benefits Of Love And Kindness Meditation Make You Happier

Reading Time: 6 minutesAlso referred to as loving-kindness meditation, this practice aims to cultivate love and kindness. It involves repeating positive phrases, known as metta phrases. The goal is to generate feelings of compassion and well-being. Studies have shown this to be effective in promoting self-compassion, reducing stress and anxiety.